Why You Should Call Us In Any Biohazard Situation
We completely understand why you would want to clean your home or business on your own after a tragic or extreme event but there are many reasons why this would not be in your best interest. Proper removal of any type of biohazard from your home or commercial property requires knowledge and equipment beyond what is necessary for a typical home cleaning. For the following reasons, you should contact a biohazard cleanup company when dealing with any scenarios involving blood, human and animal waste, or extreme filth as found in a hoarding situation.
Safety Equipment –Cleaning in extreme situations requires the use of personal safety wear to protect cleaners from exposure to blood-borne diseases like HIV and hepatitis, dangerous chemicals, and infection from cleaning up human feces.
Cleaning Equipment – Thorough cleaning of locations affected by biological hazards calls for specialized equipment and cleaning solutions. Certified bio-remediation companies use advanced equipment and EPA-registered disinfectant solutions to leave client sites free of biohazards.
Disposal – Objects that have come in to contact with human or animal blood or waste should be disposed of properly so they do not pose a health threat to the public. Some materials can be handled with a simple medical waste box while others require the use of an autoclave or incinerator.
Whether it’s your home or business that requires cleaning following a crime or trauma, this is a job for a professional certified company.