A Strange Storm
3/21/2019 (Permalink)
This was a strange storm! This backyard in Northridge Ca went from a tropical oasis to a mountain getaway in a matter of minutes.
Southern California properties have surely taken a beating with all these storms we’ve experienced in the last 3 months. While we need the rain, it has been causing all kinds of damage to property roofs, slabs, and structures.
Roof leaks are the most common calls we have been receiving. A leaking roof is a problem in any weather, but when a roof suddenly begins to leak during a heavy rainstorm, it can quickly turn into an emergency. Water may start seeping through an area that has damage that you did not know about and drip onto the ceiling. By the time you notice water dripping in the house, the drywall has likely been saturated and might start to break apart.
If you see this, do not wait. Give us a call.