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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Damages To Contents By Fire Damage

7/7/2024 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in the apartment Contents affected after a fire in the apartment unit

When fire engulfs a home, it doesn’t just burn what it touches; it weakens the very structure that holds everything together. High temperatures can cause metal to warp, wood to splinter, and concrete to crumble. The smoke produced by a fire is not just an inconvenience; it’s a deadly cocktail of toxic gases and particles. As materials such as plastics, fabrics, and chemicals burn, they release harmful substances like carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and particulate matter into the air.

Acting swiftly after a fire can significantly increase the chances of salvaging contents.

Yes, contents can often be salvaged after a fire, although the extent of salvageability depends on several factors including the severity of the fire, the type of items affected, and the speed of response in the aftermath of the fire.

After a fire, contents need to be assessed to determine the extent of damage and salvageability. Items may be categorized into salvageable, unsalvageable, and questionable. Salvageable items are those that can be restored through cleaning and repair, while unsalvageable items are too damaged to be salvaged. Questionable items may require further evaluation to determine if restoration is feasible.

Professional fire restoration companies specialize in cleaning and restoring items damaged by fire and smoke.  Professional restoration services can salvage a wide range of contents including furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, documents, and sentimental items. They use specialized techniques and equipment to remove soot, smoke odor, and water damage, restoring items to preloss condition whenever possible.

Call SERVPRO Malibu 310-456-2135 to schedule an inspection to evaluate damages caused by fire damage.

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