Rain Overflowing Your Swimming Pool
3/22/2018 (Permalink)
It seems that Mother Nature has certainly been giving us some much needed rain this last week. We have been inundated by torrential storms, with several inches of rain within a few hours. Make sure your pool does not overflow as the damage could be exponential. Here is some great advice we got from a pool guy.
Lower the water level in your pool to keep proper skimming action, and to avoid contamination from planters and deck area flooding. For most pools with a sand or DE filter, the simplest way to lower the water level is to place the multiport valve onto the waste position and roll out the backwash hose. If you have a slide(push-pull) valve, backwash the filter to lower the water level. Some pools have a hose spigot plumbed after the pump, or on the filter valve, which you can connect a garden hose, to lower water level. Or, you can use a submersible pump, aka pool cover pump, to keep the pool from overflowing. Finally, there is the siphon method. A pool vacuum hose works best. Prime the hose in the pool, to fill it full of water, and attach a vacuum head or use a heavy item to hold the hose on the first or second step, the pool ladder, or swim out. Cap the other end of the hose with your palm and quickly pull the hose away from the pool and a few feet below the level of the pool water. Uncap the hose at ground level and let it flow!