What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Jitka and her team at SERVPRO Malibu could not have been more knowledgeable and responsive! They went above and beyond to be sure our problem was handled promptly and effectively, and it was! Many thanks to Jitka and her team!!

David Sharpe National Account Manager at Lota USA “Kent shows deep knowledge and expertise when ascertaining water damage remediation. He also works with clients to provide work within a budget if necessary.

July 25, 2011, David was Kent's client

I recently started working with the insurance broker's who work closely with Jitka and Kent and noticed right away how passionate they are with making sure their clients are taken care of. They have even stepped in to help one of the ladies in my office with her house water claim and she's said nothing but wonderful things about them!

What a great staff. I called them for some help and even though it wasn't in their scope of work they got me the information I needed and didn't charge me a thing for their time! It's nice to know that they are there for you even when they aren't the right company for what you need.